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Hydro-4 RF
code 90839

Download guide

Install the valve box outside, buried at ground level (1-2) or resting on the surface (3). Keep the cover opening free so that it can be programmed easily. If installed below ground, lay draining material and a protective sheet in the hole before putting in the Hydro-4, to make sure that soil and any other debris cannot get into the product. Remove the sheet and the line closure plugs only when the system is completed. Do not place it in areas which are frequently walked over or passed over by mechanical means (eg. ride-on lawn mowers). Only use filtered water. Water line flow rates: 2,5 bar 25 l/min.
* parts not supplied, to be purchased separately.


Once the valve box has been positioned, make the hydraulic connections as indicated on the following pages: depending on individual requirements, it is possible to connect the valve box with pipes of different diameters using the specific fittings (not supplied). Below each link is referred to the example above.

Before burying the system, check that it is working properly.


In order to operate the water timer requires two AAA (LR03)1.5V Alkaline batteries that must be replaced at the start of each season.

Unscrew the two screws on the valve box cover, remove them and remove the cover. Unscrew the plastic cover on the water timer and lift it up. Take out the water time.

Unscrew the battery compartment plug, take out the battery-holder, and if present, remove the drained batteries. Fit the new batteries in the holder, observing the correct polarity.

Replace the battery-holder into its housing and screw down the plug checking that the seal is correctly placed in its seat. Put the timer in position, screw on the cover, close the valve box with the cover and fix it in place using the screws and gaskets.


30 seconds after having fitted the batteries, or pressed any of the buttons, the Leds on the panel will go out: to refresh the display, press any button.

RF Hydro-4 can be programmed automatically using the RF remote control (code 8347 manages up to 2 RF devices/ code 8348 manages up to 6 RF devices), sold separately. Without the RF remote control, you can only irrigate manually.

Lines to be programmed or in operation

Status: Green light on
Situation: Indicates that the corresponding solenoid valve is open.

Status: Flashing green light
Situation: This indicates the line selected manually.

Symbol OK

Status: Green light on
Situation: This indicates that the selected line is open. Press the OK button to close the line.

Indicates the status of the RF Rain Sensor (only if the RF Remote Control is set up with the RAIN SENSOR function activated for the RF unit).

Status: Permanently alight
Situation: Watering programme suspended by activation of the RF Rain Sensor.

Status: Blinking
Situation: The RF Hydro-4 has received no signal from the RF Rain Sensor for more than 24 hours for one of the following reasons:
1) the batteries of the RF Rain Sensor are flat (replace the batteries);
2) the radio frequency signal is too weak (position the sensor nearer to the RF unit).

Symbol RF

Status: Red, blinking
Situation: Awaiting connection with the RF Remote Control.

Status: Red, permanently alight
Situation: RF Remote Control-unit connection procedure in progress.

Status: Green, blinking
Situation: Data transmission in progress.


Indicates the charge status of the batteries.

CLOCK Symbol
Indicates the operational status of the RF Hydro-4.

Status: Red, permanently alight
Situation: Not working. No automatic watering entered or transferred.
Solutions: Connection required.

Status: Alternating Red/Green
Situation: Connected, time synchronized. Irrigation programmes NOT yet transferred. Automatic watering suspended.
Solutions: Transfer the irrigation programmes from the RF remote control to the RF Hydro-4.

Status: Green, permanently alight
Situation: RF remote control and RF Hydro-4 paired. Time and automatic irrigation programmes transferred from remote control to Hydro-4.

Status: Green blinking
Situation: Paired, time NOT synchronised between the two devices (for example, because the time has been lost due to a prolonged period without batteries). the irrigation programmes will be run at different times to those set on the RF remote control.
Solutions: Transfer the time from the RF remote control to the RF Hydro-4.

The red colour of the clock symbol, whether permanently alight or blinking, warns that the RF unit is not currently programmed for automatic watering.

CONNECTIONS - Procedure for the connection of Hydro-4 RF - RF Remote Control

To pair the devices, keep them no less than 1 metre and no more than 10 metres apart and ensure there are no obstacles.

Press the three RF Hydro-4 buttons at the same time and hold for at least 5 seconds, until the red LEDs with the CLOCK and RF symbols start to flash.

Hold down the Remote control RF UNIT button to select the RF Unit number to which the Hydro-4 RF is to be associated.

Insert a pointy object into hole S1 in the RF remote control for a few seconds: a radio frequency icon will appear.
The Remote control RF display flashes indicating that the two components are trying to establish a radio frequency connection.

The outcome of the connection procedure is indicated on the RF Remote Control display when the RF symbol stops blinking.

(A) Connection failed: RF symbol permanently alight and error symbol blinking.

(B) Connection successful: RF symbol off.

Regardless of the outcome of the pairing, all the symbols will light up in sequence on the RF Hydro-4 display.
If pairing is successful, RF Hydro-4 will display the clock symbol in green.

CONNECTIONS - Procedure for the connection of RF Hydro-4 - RF Rain Sensor

RF Hydro-4 recognises an RF Rain Sensor signal installed nearby without the need for any pairing procedure, provided the devices are no more than 30 metres apart (obstacle free) and there are no other radio frequency signals.

If it is preferable that the RF Hydro-4 should recognize ONLY its own RF Rain Sensor (for example, to avoid interference from sensors of the same type installed in neighbouring systems) then a dedicated setting is required.

Make certain that the RF Rain Sensor is enabled by the RF Remote Control: press the UNIT button on the RF remote control and then the right arrow until you reach the Rain Sensor page. Press OK and one of the arrows to choose YES and then press OK again.


The user can open or close a solenoid valve manually, either locally, operating from the control panel of the RF Hydro-4, or remotely, from the RF Remote Control.

In the event that the panel of the RF Hydro-4 is inactive, refresh the display by pressing any one of the buttons.
Use the arrows to select a solenoid valve (the blink of number 1, 2, 3 or 4 indicates the valve that is selected).

Press the OK button to open the selected solenoid valve (when the valve is open, the OK symbol starts to blink and the corresponding number lights up, remaining permanently on).

Manual irrigation is factory preset to run for 5 minutes.
If you want to stop it sooner, press OK.


Press OK and use the two arrows to set the desired time. Press OK to confirm.

Use the arrows to set the day of the week and press OK.
The days are shown as: S Sunday, M Monday, T Tuesday, W Wednesday, T Thursday, F Friday, S Saturday.


Press the UNIT button. Before setting the run times for the irrigation cycles, decide whether you want to enable programme A or B or both. Press OK and use the arrows to select the programmes you want to enable.

Press OK to confirm. Press the right arrow to display the RUN TIME page.

Press OK to access the screen where you can enter the LINE 1 irrigation run time (the OK symbol flashes); use the arrows to set the irrigation run time in minutes (e.g. 10 minutes). The watering cycle run time for each line can be set from 1 to 60 minutes. OFF: no irrigation. Press OK to confirm the time entered.

Press the right arrow to view the next line. Set the run time of the other lines in the same way. Press the right arrow to display the next programming page: start times.


To set start 1 press OK, the 1 symbol is fixed. Use the arrows to enter the start time for irrigation 1 (i.e. 8:00) with the use of the arrrow buttons (scrolling is faster when holding down the buttons).

Press OK to confirm the time entered. Press the right arrow to display the next programming page. Set the other start times in the same way.

OFF: no programmed starts. Enter times in sequence, within a 24-hour timeframe. At each set start time, all the lines will open in succession, each for the run time set, until the cycle is complete.

Press the right arrow to display the next programming page: irrigation days.


Press OK to access the screen where you can modify weekly programming (flashing S = Sunday). Press the arrows to move to future days.

Press OK multiple times to delete or reinstate irrigation on the selected day (in this example, W = WEDNESDAY is deleted).

The days are shown as: S Sunday, M Monday, T Tuesday, W Wednesday, T Thursday, F Friday, S Saturday.

To exit, press the arrows until you reach EXIT; press OK when EXIT flashes. Press the right arrow to display the next programming page: Rain Sensor RF.


Press the OK button to access activation/deactivation of the Rain Sensor; the OK message will blink. Press the arrows to move between YES (sensor activated) and NO (sensor deactivated). Press OK to confirm.


Press the right arrow to display the next programming page: manual testing. Press the RF button to activate communication between remote control and Hydro-4 RF; the TEST message will blink briefly. The display shows line 1 and the message OFF. Press OK to activate watering for a preset time of 5 minutes.

Press OK a second time to stop watering before the end of the preset time. To open the valves on the other line, press the right arrow and repeat the steps described above.

To quit the function, press the right arrow until TEST is displayed, then press OK. Press the right arrow to return to the UNIT page.

To go back to the TIME/DAY page, press the UNIT button several times.

To access manual programming directly from the TIME/DAY page, press the UNIT button to display the desired unit. Press the right arrow and go to the test page. Proceed as indicated above.


Keep the devices no less than 1 metre and no more than 10 metres apart and ensure there are no obstacles.

Press the UNIT key, press the RF key. The flashing RF icon will be displayed on the remote control screen for a few seconds and the green reception signal will flash on the timer.

The subsequent disappearance of the RF symbol indicates that the update was successful. If ERR blinking appears on the remote control, bring the two devices closer together and repeat this operation. press the UNIT button several times to return to the DATE/TIME page.

Each change made from the RF remote control must be transferred to the RF Hydro-4. After replacing the Hydro-4 batteries, synchronise the time from the RF remote control in the same way. See the other instruction sheet for all remote control functions.


Hydro-4 manages up to 4 independent irrigation lines. Each line has two independent programmes, A and B. Each programme can irrigate 4 times a day for between 1 and 60 minutes. This means that programme A opens the lines 4 times a day and programme B opens the lines 4 times a day.

Set the current time.
Set the run time for each line, for example:
programme A:
line 1 - 5 minutes
line 2 - 10 minutes
line 3 - 5 minutes
line 4 - 15 minutes
total time for the irrigation cycle: 35 minutes.

Set the first start time, for example 8 am. If you set a second start time, it will be displayed automatically at 1 minute after the sum of the run times for all lines, i.e. 8.36.

If, when an irrigation cycle is set, it overlaps with another, the timer automatically resets the 4 daily start times to prevent an irrigation cycle from starting before the previous cycle is complete or overrunning beyond the 24-hour timeframe.
Programme A irrigation cycles can however overlap with programme B irrigation cycles. Make sure the system has a sufficient flow rate to allow the lines to be opened at the same time.


A RESET, which restores the factory settings of the product, has the effect of clearing all watering programmes and the connection with the RF Rain Sensor, if any, whereas the association with the RF Remote Control, if any, remains unaffected.

To RESET, press both arrows at the same time and hold for 10 seconds, until all the symbols light up in sequence.

To reset the RF remote control, insert a pointy object in hole S1 and press both arrows at the same time and hold for 10 seconds.


In winter or long periods of inactivity close the tap or the gate valve upstream.

Access the control unit and manually open all 4 lines in sequence to drain the water.

Remove the batteries.

Remove the water timer, store it in a dry area where the temperature does not fall below 3 °C.