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Aqua-Magic System
code 8063

Download guide

Aqua-Magic System. Independent drip kit. Can be used to water pots and small vegetable patches selecting the water quantity and irrigation frequency by choosing from the preset values. Through its photovoltaic panel, it uses solar energy to power the rechargeable batteries (not supplied).

1) Photovoltaic panel,
2) Operating status LED,
3) Water quantity dial,
4) Irrigation frequency dial,
5) Battery compartment,
6) Water inlet,
7) Water outlet,
8) Wall bracket,
9) Filter,
10) Anti-siphon valve,
11) Stakes,
12) Tee coupling,
13) End-of-line plug,
14) Drippers,
15) Feeding tube,
16) Screws and plugs.


Use only 1.2 V NiMH AA/HR6 rechargeable batteries (1800 mAh or more). Please note that rechargeable batteries tend to be almost flat when purchased. To recharge them, turn the dial to OFF and expose the timer to direct sunlight for at least 8 hours. Alternatively, use an external battery charger to charge them fully. Programme it as required, making sure that the timer is always positioned correctly in direct sunlight. Remove the batteries at the end of the season.


The timer works both horizontally and vertically (wall-mounted).
It must be installed in a place where the sunlight can reach it.
It must be positioned with the photovoltaic panel facing upwards.
It should not be positioned in a valve box.

It should not be immersed in liquid.
It should not be used by children or be easily reachable by pets.
The hoses should not be pulled.
In winter, the timer must be stored in a dry place where the temperature does not fall below 3°C.


If the water tank is outside, position it in a shaded place. Fix the bracket to the wall using the screws and plugs provided and hang the timer.

To install the water suction hose, cut a section of feeding hose, fit the filter at one end and connect the other end to the timer in the outlet marked “IN”. To make the system work properly, the hose end with the filter must touch the bottom of the water container. To do this, measure the “L” distance between the timer and the bottom of the container, then cut the hose.

When setting up your system, we recommend respecting the distances shown between the timer, water tank and hoses, so that the timer can function at its best.
Warning: the timer must be positioned between 15 cm and 3 m above the water level.

After positioning the timer, the hoses, anti-siphon valve, stakes, fittings, drippers and end-of-line plugs can be connected up.

Important: use between 10 and 20 drippers. The drippers are not adjustable. The grey ring nut must be fully screwed on, without being overtightened. Warning: the drippers must be cleaned with water or immersed in water and vinegar.

See below for an example of how to connect up the system. The anti-siphon valve must be positioned 4-5 cm from the inlet, on the hose connected to the “OUT” outlet.

LED status during operation

flashing quickly: the timer is being programmed

flashing slowly: the timer is waiting to water or is watering

yellow flash: batteries partially charged and insufficient sunlight to charge them

red flash: batteries completely flat: if you use completely flat batteries the first time, once inserted you will have to wait for the timer to recharge them before watering (approximately one day in OFF mode).

LED off:
1) battery completely flat
2) programming not complete
3) “FREQUENCY” selector dial set to “OFF”
4) “FREQUENCY” selector dial set to manual when manual watering has finished.


How much to water (quantity per day per dripper in ml). At the time you want the watering to start, set the water QUANTITY to be dispensed per day for each dripper by turning the “DRIPPER” selector dial to the required value: the LED remains off, indicating that programming is not complete (the timer will not water automatically until FREQUENCY). The quantities are preset and CANNOT be modified.

How often to water (watering frequency). Set the watering FREQUENCY by turning the “FREQUENCY” selector dial: programming is complete, the LED flashes quickly for a few seconds, then SLOWLY (1 flash every 2 seconds). Once set, watering will begin immediately. Watering will finish when the quantity of water set with the “DRIPPER” selector dial has been dispensed. The frequencies are preset and CANNOT be modified.

When to water (at what time). At the time you want irrigation to start (e.g. 10 pm), insert the batteries and turn the FREQUENCY dial. The first irrigation cycle will start straight away. The subsequent cycles will start according to the programme selected (e.g. 2 days).


Changing start time and/or frequency of watering cycles. Set the “FREQUENCY” selector dial to “OFF” and wait for the LED to switch off.

Wait for the new time at which you want watering to begin (for example 20:00). Set the “FREQUENCY” selector dial to the frequency required. After resetting, watering will begin immediately for the set water quantity: the next watering cycles will begin after the number of days set using the “FREQUENCY” selector dial.

Changing the quantity of water dispensed. Increase or decrease the quantity set by turning the “DRIPPER” selector dial; the change will take effect from the next watering cycle. If the operation is carried out while watering is under way, watering will cease when the set quantity is reached (if the quantity has been reduced) or it will continue (if the quantity has been increased) with immediate effect.


Turn the FREQUENCY dial to manual 100 ml. The LED flashes during manual watering.

The run time of a manual irrigation session cannot be increased, but its end can be brought forward in two ways: turn the “FREQUENCY” selector dial to the start position (e.g. 1 day). The previous programming is stored, therefore the watering cycles will start at the normal times. When turning the dial to the previous frequency, do not stop for more than 3 seconds on any other frequency as this will be considered a new setting.

Early stop: Turn the “FREQUENCY” selector dial to a new frequency (e.g. 2 days). The previous setting is NOT stored. An irrigation cycle will start straight away. The subsequent cycles will start according to the new time and frequency selected.

If the “FREQUENCY” selector dial is set to manual and watering has finished, the LED remains off and the timer will not water automatically until programmed again.


Make sure that the batteries are charged and activate Aqua-Magic by turning the “FREQUENCY“ dial to any programme (to activate suction).

Cut a length of 5 cm of the feeding tube supplied and insert it on the “IN” water inlet. This is to help with the next step.

Insert a syringe without a needle filled with water into the tube and squirt the water inside. If necessary, repeat it multiple times, even the following day, (you should see water coming out of the “OUT” water outlet). The pump is now unlocked.

Turn the timer to OFF.